Beyond Gender Inequalities, Towards an Egalitarian Society | National Girl Child Day | truCSR

Written by: Samreen Saify Compiled and Edited by: Rebecca Shibu Gender inequality has always been a sad reality in our society. Time and again, it has been enforced, reinforced, enacted and even sanctioned by evoking culture, religion, laws, and, in extreme cases, violence. Gender-based injustices are deeply embedded in Indian societies, so much so that the Child Sex Ratio, according to the 2011 census, stands at 919 girls per 1000 boys , the lowest in the country since 1961. The social-economic-cultural thinking in India further bolsters the preference for male children besides increasing the instances of female foeticide, female infanticide, child marriages, etc. The injustices meted out towards girls are fundamentally justified and subsequently undertaken on the grounds of the biological differences between girls and boys. Initiated by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2008, National Girl Child Day is celebrated in India on January 24 every year. The central ...