Water at the Juncture of Sustainability and Development | Campaign for Sustainability
Lessons from Cape Town, Beira and Lima Water is important element for socioeconomic growth, healthy habitats, and human survival itself, and it is at the heart of sustainable development. It is essential to the development and protection of a wide range of human benefits and services, reducing global disease burdens and improving population health, welfare, and productivity. Agriculture is by far the most water-intensive sector, accounting for 70% of all water withdrawals, this figure varies greatly between countries. Rainfed agriculture is the most common agricultural production method in the world, but its current productivity is only about half of what it could be with optimal agricultural management. Water demand is shared by industry and electricity, accounting for 20% of total demand. In comparison to less-developed countries, where agriculture dominates, more developed countries have a much higher proportion of freshwater withdrawals for industry. Industry faces a variety of cha...