A 2020 Recap through Implementers' Projects on truCSR


New Year is around the corner and as we enter 2021, through the blog, we revisit the year 2020 through projects created by our ever driven implementers on the platform. Given our work in the space of social development has just begun, we've created a quick recap of all projects. With this recap, we bring to you the variety of efforts and initiatives that have been taken by nonprofit organizations across the country. Towards the end of a year that brought with it an unprecedented journey, we intend to acknowledge the stakeholders of the social development space who have worked with their resilience through the ongoing pandemic.

If you are an implementer or contributor who would like to be part of our venture, sign up with us at https://www.trucsr.in/signup or write to us at info@trucsr.in

Project Name: Enabling Empowerment and Participation of Women in Local Governance.

Started by like-minded Social Work Professionals in 1999-2000, Gopabandhu Seva Parishad was created to respond to the local needs of the tribal population residing in Odisha. Through its various initiatives, the organization seeks to achieve the optimum degree of achievement besides ensuring results with satisfying levels of performance.

In a bid to ensure greater participation of women in local affairs, the organization has initiated a project to help women provide a space where they get the opportunity to further their opinions, needs, and concerns. The project also seeks to address the gap in women’s representation in the political sphere. Another essential goal of the project is to initiate the process of transformation and fair representation in the lives of people through informed leadership and democratic decision-making.

The project will be implemented in the Baipariguda block of Koraput district in the State of Odisha in India. It intends to cover the elected PRI (Panchayat Raj Institution) members of the 4 Grampanchayats (Kathapada, Dasamantpur, Kolar, Majhiguda) of the Boipariguda block. 

Project Name:  Establishing Mobile Clinic Dispensaries at Jamut & Lalmenta for Good Health and Wellbeing in Selected of 5 District

Name of the Implementer: Gramya Jyoti

Instituted to ameliorate the lives of poor rural communities in five districts of western and southern parts of Odisha, Gramya Jyoti has grown into one of the most significant organizations recognized both nationally and internationally. It is currently running multiple programs on issues concerning education, health, livelihood, economic development, water supply & sanitation, environment, etc. 

To ensure accessibility and availability of multiple healthcare services in remote districts of Odisha, the project aims to establish Mobile Hospital/ Dispensary. The project further seeks to provide all types of Medical treatment regularly in each village by organizing health camps to reduce IMR and MMR and provide medical facilities for other diseases. IMMR and MMR are widely acknowledged as a general indicator of the overall health of a population, of the status of women in society, and of the functioning of the health system. The project seeks to equip the target population with important information that pertains to immunization, care and neonatal care. 

Name of the Implementer: PRAYAS

Project Name: Elementary Education to the Migrant Tribal Children in the brick kilns area of Howrah District

Established in the year 1998, to provide essential support to people in need, PRAYAS’s work is spread across multiple areas such as Education, livelihood, nutrition and healthcare. Through its various programs, the organization focuses on social inclusion and therefore gives priority to children, women, adolescent girls and marginalized farmers.

With an aim to tackle the issue of child labor, child marriages, and child-trafficking of tribal children of migrant brick kiln laborers, the project endeavors to provide education, nutrition, access to public health and immunization services through targeted interventions and enhanced awareness of their rights.

The classes will be conducted for three hours every day as per the decision of migrant workers. The teaching methodology will give stress on value formation and functional education. It will also follow the accepted models of syllabus preparation using local materials to ensure inclusivity and holistic development.

Name of the Implementer: SEED - Society for Socio-Economic and Ecological Development

Project Name: Construction of Water Conservation structures and formation of institutional arrangements with community participation for sustainable development

Established in 1996, SEEDs, with its various initiatives, aims at creating a just and equitable society. The organization’s work is mainly focused on four areas- Equality, Education, Empowerment and Environment. It is also a member of CANSA (Climate Action Network South Asia). 

To increase the reach of water and to ensure groundwaters’ replenishment, the organization has launched a project which entails the construction of water conservation structures. Under this, the Water Detention Structures (WDS) will be created to increase the surface water holding capacity of several villages.

 Over a period of three years, the project aims at constructing 18 WDS and 18 recharge structures. An awareness campaign for saving water and capacity building of the community will also be done simultaneously throughout the project cycle besides that institutional arrangements with community participation will also be made to ensure sustainable development.

Name of the Implementer: Sri Aurobindo Society

Project Name: Our Responsibility to Children (ORC) - Strength-focused Positive Mental Health Initiative for Children and Young Adults

The process of helping is about change, and change involves making choices. Keeping these small yet profound ideals in mind, Sri Aurobindo Society works for individual perfection, social transformation and human unity, based on a spiritual foundation. Headquartered in Puducherry, the organization has members, centres and branches all over India and abroad. 

To realize the ideals mentioned above, the organization has launched a comprehensive school-based initiative towards improving the mental health of children. As the mental health of a person is dependent on a variety of factors, due attention will be given to a child's ecosystem to ensure holistic development.  The main objective of the project is to identify and address vulnerabilities, discover and nurture strengths and promote as well as sustain an encouraging and supportive environment, both at home and school.

The project also aims to equip and empower these children with life skills, appropriate support, and knowledge to help them realize their full potential and become productive members of society.

Name of the Implementer: Ekvira Multipurpose Foundation

Project Name: Enabling hearing-impaired children to become oral communicators and mainstream scholars

In India, a large percentage of children between the ages of 0 and 14 years are suffering from significant auditory impairment.  According to an estimate around 2% of children suffer from childhood-onset deafness. 

To help these children adjust in society, Ekvira Multipurpose Foundation provides early intervention and rehabilitative facilities. Currently, it runs Balvikas Kendra (For 0 to 6 yrs.) and Balvikas Special Oral Aural School (above 6 yrs.). Other facilities include a rehab centre, speech hearing language training & parent training for the young hearing impaired. 

Through these initiatives, the organization aims to provide oral-aural rehabilitation to young age hearing impaired children for their overall development. During the formative years of an individual’s life most of the cognitive, physical, communication, social/emotional, and adaptive developments take place. Thus, by targeting young children and introducing interventions at an early age, the organization facilitates and supports the children to achieve their full potential. 

Name of the Implementer: Community Development Centre

Project Name: Establishing Support for Pregnant Minors and Rape Survivors

The community development centre seeks to create a society where the poor, the marginalized and the underprivileged have access to equal opportunity for their involvement in the development processes- that is value-based, sustainable and appropriate to help them develop their fullest potential. The organization adopts a macro approach with extensive networking at various appropriate levels to achieve its goals.  Since its inception, the organization has worked extensively with children from under-served communities in the Balaghat District of Madhya Pradesh.

Due to the growing instances of sexual violence and subsequent ostracization, the organization has launched a project to support the survivors and their children. It aims to provide economic independence, good nutritious food, the right medical help and neonatal and post-natal care to the survivors to avoid the cases of stunted growth in their children. Through this project, thirty-three girls will be assisted to create a good life for themselves and their children.

The funds raised through this project will be used to build the scope of social security, medical support, food, clothing, regular counseling and skill-based training for a period of one year.

Name of the Implementer: Sanga Mithra Development Association (SAMIDA)

Project Name: Health action on COVID-19 dealing with awareness generation on 5S

SAMIDA, a development support organization, works for the downtrodden communities in Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and East Godavari, districts of A.P. Through its various operations, the organization aims to empower local communities to address their challenges by promoting technology, self-sustenance, self-help, imbibing the principles of natural resources management etc. 

Due to the lack of awareness among the targeted population about COVID-19 related safety precautions, it has launched a project to create awareness about dos and don’ts to ensure safety and security. The project seeks to deal with the awareness generation on 5S like Awareness on physical distancing, hand washing, crisis management technique amongst others. 

The project will also deal with the disaster emergency response among the communities through resilience building, prompt action seeking and grocery distribution to the highly marginalized communities.

The primary beneficiaries of the project will be pregnant and lactating mothers, adolescents, children, marginal farmers and primary healthcare workers.

Name of the Implementer: North Bengal Academy Project Name: Empowering women through vocational training with equipment support

North Bengal Art Academy (NBAA) over the decades has established itself as an organization committed to working for the welfare of the unemployed youths and women empowerment of rural regions. To create a better understanding and an everlasting impact the organization has partnered with various stakeholders both government and private entities to achieve its goals. 

In an endeavor to bridge the gap between skill development and unemployment, the organization has launched a program to empower women by making them self-reliant through stitching –tailoring & Beautician skill upgradation program. The project will target 120 SHG Women and Girls from the villages of Maynaguri Block.

The main aim of this program is to enhance the quality of life of women through increased knowledge and skills. The organization strongly believes that merely imparting literacy is insufficient. The women also need to be vocationally trained further so that they are able to stand on their feet and be an earning member of the family.

Name of the Implementer: Society of Social Transformation
Project Name:  Night Meal Program to Vulnerable Homeless People

The society of social transformation is a registered voluntary organization working for the empowerment of poor and downtrodden sections in the Kurnool district of A.P. India. Since its inception, the organization has made tremendous progress towards the empowerment of poor and marginalized, by creating awareness on their rights and entitlements besides developing skills for sustainable livelihoods in their operational area.

In a bid to ensure that no person goes to sleep without having food in their targeted area, the organization has launched a program to provide nutritious food to vulnerable homeless peoples at night.  Hence, enabling them to lead a healthy and nutritious life.

For this, they have identified 20 people who are in dire need of support. The organization aims to feed the identified individuals for a period of one year. The cost of providing one person a meal is 80 rupees.

Name of the Implementer: Society for Social Transformation Project Name: Educational Material to Disadvantaged Children/Students with Special Needs The Right to education is the first step to tackle poverty. It is a fundamental right of each individual irrespective of their caste, religion, sex, or economic background. It’s key to create a good and fulfilling life. However, many children around the globe drop out of schools because of myriad reasons. 

In its endeavor to make education accessible and equitable, the Society of Social Transformation has launched a program to provide educational material support to Disadvantaged Children with Special Needs to enable them to continue their education and studies. Established in 2007, the Society of Social Transformation is a registered voluntary organization working for the empowerment of poor and downtrodden sections in the Kurnool district of A.P. India.

As disadvantaged children with Special Needs are often forced to miss school due to lack of access and material resources, the dropout rates among them are significantly higher. Though in recent years, the focus has shifted from equal access to equal participation in basic education and equal opportunities to complete schooling, the issue persists. Therefore, the project seeks to provide 150 children the educational material support to help them not only continue but complete their education. 

Name of the Implementer: Society for Social Transformation
Project Name: Bedding Material Distribution to Destitute Old Age Persons Established in 2007, the Society of Social Transformation is a registered voluntary organization working for the empowerment of poor and downtrodden sections in the Kurnool district of A.P. India. The organization is currently working in the area of social, economic, health, educational, agricultural, rural development and cultural activities to transform the targeted communities.

Care of the sick and destitute is a complex process, which is often exacerbated by poverty and other forms of structural inequalities. With the aim to create a just and fulfilling life for the old and sick persons through targeted interventions, the organization has started a bedding material distribution project. For this, they have identified 60 old age persons and would be providing them sheets and blankets to help them sleep comfortably. The cost to Provide two pairs of bedding material to one person is Rs.1500. 

Name of the Implementer: Society for Social Transformation
Project Name: Mid-Day Meal Program to Destitute Old Age Persons According to the World Food Programme, more than a quarter of a billion people are potentially at the brink of starvation. Therefore, swift action is needed to be taken to provide food and humanitarian relief to the most at-risk population.

Established in 2007, the Society of Social Transformation is a registered voluntary organization working for the empowerment of poor and downtrodden sections in the Kurnool district of A.P. India. The organization is currently working in the area of social, economic, health, educational, agricultural, rural development and cultural activities to transform the targeted communities.

To meet the immediate food needs of the vulnerable populations, the organization has launched a Mid-Day Meal Program to Destitute Old Age Persons to provide nutritious food to them. The project aims at enabling them to lead a healthy and nutritious life. For this, they have identified 20 such destitute old people. The estimated cost of feeding one person a nutritious mid-meal is Rs.80. 

Name of the Implementer: The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Project Name: Recurring Expenses for Sharada Balgram Student Home for Five Years. Founded in 1959 by the late Swami Swaroopananda Ji Maharaj as a private center in a form of a Small Hut with a Public Library, the Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama is situated in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. Over the years, it has transformed itself into a multifarious service center providing scores of services to its beneficiaries. 

The Ramakrishna Mission (MPBSE) School is one of the holistic schools promoting the ideas of Swami Vivekananda to create a band of men and women who would combine in their lives the spiritual idealism of the East and the material practicality of the West. The schools for years have been providing “Man Making, Character Building and Leadership Training” to its students. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school is currently struggling to make ends meet. To sustain, it has recurring expenses that need to be taken care of, such as school fees, food, lodging, health, hygiene, skill training, holistic development, and the staff's salary. It is currently seeking donations from all the sources to generate funds and utilize the same for children and the school's development.

Name of the Implementer: The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Project Name: Capacity Building and Refurbishing Existing Yoga Meditation Hall (Boys + Girls Section) at Sharada Balgram Student Home. The Sharada Balgram Student home was instituted in 1989 to provide quality education and character-building training to its pupils. Since its inception, it has undergone remarkable changes. The facilities were also upgraded from time to time to meet the challenges and cater to students' needs. But now, the existing Yoga Meditation Hall lacks various facilities and furnishing. Therefore, the institution is currently seeking donations from all sources to generate funds and utilize them for children and the school's development.

Name of the Implementer: The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Project Name: Infrastructure Development at Ramakrishna Mission (MPBSE) School, Gwalior.

The school aims to nurture the students on the line of holistic development along with modern education and introduce students to the field of digitalization. Now with each passing year, the number of students is increasing. Currently, the school is under-furnished and seeks support to afford the infrastructural development needs for the enhanced learning experience of its students. Name of the Implementer: The Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Project Name: Atal Tinkering Laboratory Infrastructure Development at Ramakrishna Mission (MPBSE) School, Gwalior.

With a vision to 'Cultivate one Million children in India as 'Neoteric Innovators,' Atal Innovation Mission is establishing Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India. The Ramakrishna Mission (MPBSE) School was among the prestigious institutes selected for the same. This scheme aims to foster curiosity, creativity, and imagination in young minds besides inculcating skills.

Name of the Implementer: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Project name: Preservation and Shelter for Cows

Established in 2005, the Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society is a not-for-profit organization based in Kharagpur Sub-Division, West Bengal. The Society mainly works in Paschim Medinipur District and many other socially and economically underdeveloped areas in West Bengal. Through its various initiatives, society endeavors to help communities achieve and sustain a better quality of life.

The Society also works for the welfare of animals through the medium of humane and animal welfare approaches. Animal Welfare and Preservation are emerging fields in our country. Keeping all of this in mind, the Society intends to commence a project, which will have long-term impacts on employment generation in the community. It would be an action-oriented effort towards making responsible communities. The project would also provide sustainable income generation opportunities to the community people. 

Name of the Implementer: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Project name: Training of 1000 women for employment opportunities in Kharagpur, West Bengal The society has launched a project to create employment opportunities for women by imparting them sewing, embroidery and computer skills. The project aims to empower 1000 women by training them. This will also help them in generating an income for their families and have a better chance of survival. The project will enable them to avail jobs opportunities in industries or set -up their own micro-businesses.

Name of the Implementer: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Project Name: Sustainable Livelihood for 500 girls and women in Kharagpur, West Bengal. The society has launched a project that aims to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for 500 girls and women through vocational skills training. The goal is to help these women build a better future for themselves. Bank loans will also be provided through the project to encourage self-employment. Sustainable livelihood opportunities would also provide them the platform to escape from social evils, besides giving the much-needed window to escape from the vicious cycle of poverty.

Name of the Implementer: Anubhav Pratishthan Trust  Project name: Innovative Technological Development of Strengthening Water, Sustainable Agriculture and Livelihood Interventions | Raigad District

With its various endeavors, the APT seeks to empower the rural communities, especially the rural poor, by enhancing their food, health, environmental and sustainable livelihood security through revitalization and protection of indigenous traditional knowledge. The organization further aims to create consciousness about the community rights among the community people besides strengthening all aspects of biodiversity conservation.  It also advocates that change in society can only be achieved through organized collective effort involving grassroots levels and people. 

To strengthen the ecological sustenance in the Khalapur and Pen Block in Raigad District, the organization has launched a project by converging the three most crucial aspects of development, namely- water, agriculture, and livelihood. It aims to empower community people by engaging them in the processes, ensuring sustainable livelihood and better agricultural yields, amongst other things.  

Name of the Implementer: Tatsat Global Education and Welfare Foundation Project name- PUNAH UTTHAN - Re-establishing livelihood to rebuild the Indian economy. In association with Mosahay media, Tatsat Global Education and Welfare Foundation seeks to give support to migrant workers to get back to their work and consequently help in rebuilding our nation. The onset of the pandemic saw a massive loss of jobs of migrant workers and jeopardized the lives of many. Through this project, not only does the migrant worker get to return to work but also will be given assistance such as provisions for basic necessities, health insurance and coverage of travel cost.

The project's aim lies in the intent to bring back stability in their lives and at the same time look out for their healthcare needs as a priority. 

Name of the Implementer: Jeevan Jyot Cancer Relief and Care Trust Project Name- Hospital for Tertiary Care cum Rehabilitation Centre

Jeevan Jyot Cancer Relief and Care Trust has been spreading social awareness and support regarding financial aspects, improving community health, relief and rehabilitation, empowering women and children of the weaker sections of the society since its inception. Through their project of starting a "Hospital for Tertiary Care cum Rehabilitation Centre", the Trust aims to cater to the needs of quality healthcare for the needy. This will also address the aspects of highly specialized healthcare.

Name of the Implementer: Vishwa Yuvak Kendra (VYK) Project Name: VYK Awareness Generation Campaign

Indian Youth Centres Trust established Vishwa Yuvak Kendra (VYK), has undertaken a "VYK Awareness Generation Campaign" which focuses on Community Awareness.

This project aims to create awareness regarding the proper utilization of resources for sustainable development. Through the capacity building of the representatives of civil society organizations, youth and the general masses. VYK organizes thematic workshops/seminars at the state level, in collaboration with regional partners. This is done to enable youth workers working at the grass-root level in the poorest and backward regions of the country to discharge their functions more efficiently.

Name of the Implementer: Action for Rural Development Society (ARDS) 

Project Name: Skill Development Program | Training cum Production Centre (Tailoring & Embroidery)

Action for Rural Development Society (ARDS) has undertaken a "Skill Development Program  Training cum Production Centre (Tailoring and Embroidery)" at Nalgonda District, Telangana. This project aims to produce and deliver comfortable clothing, increase the number of skilled workforce for the production of designer wear, create employment for the rural masses in the newly established designer units.

Furthermore, it aims to give thrust to the design and development of new and innovative designs to make the clothing both relevant in the domestic and international market and consequently, build sustainable supply chains for clothing made and its smooth supply to production units. ARDS is known to be working relentlessly towards the welfare of women and youth. 

Name of the Implementer:  Action for Rural Development Society (ARDS) 

Project name: Natural Resource Management (Watershed) Project

Action for Rural Development Society (ARDS)  has undertaken a 'Natural Resource Management (Watershed) Project' which aims to bring positive changes in the agricultural practices and livelihood in Devarakonda Mandal, Telangana. ARDS works towards the welfare of women and youth members in remote areas. It has been working for the upliftment of the poor and weaker sections of the society in Nalgonda District. Through the project, ARDS intends to address issues that arise due to small landholdings by small and marginal farmers, noticeable environmental degradation, water scarcity and unemployment. The project looks at several beneficiaries through its reach and conception around Devarakonda Mandal.

Name of the Implementer: Gram Vikas Trust  Project name: Low-Cost Asani Sanitary Napkin for Women, by Women Menstrual hygiene is crucial when it comes to ensuring the accessibility of products to maintain the same. Women in rural areas have not been using sanitary napkins due to lack of awareness, unavailability at the village level, high-cost of marketed napkins, or the stigma around it.

Gram Vikas Trust Bharuch has started Asani Program for High Quality and Low-Cost Sanitary Napkins prepared for women, by women. This is to overcome the impediments that come in the way of women getting access to sanitary pads for better menstrual hygiene.

This program further encourages women to participate actively in the production system and empowers them. With the help of self-help group members, ASHAs, local leaders and other NGOs in the village, the Gram Vikas Trust runs campaigns to create awareness amongst adolescent girls and women about hygienic sanitation practices.

Name of the Implementer:  Gram Vikas Trust

Project name- COVID -19 Livelihood Generation at Bharuch District

Gram Vikas Trust Bharuch is raising funds for livelihood generation for 100-150 women in Bharuch district. The pandemic has hit various pockets of the country and the not for profit organizations have been relentlessly working towards its relief. The Trust has trained women in tailoring and sewing over the years and now, it aims to generate livelihood opportunities by giving them a platform to make and sell cloth face masks. This would ensure income generation and help them settle into new livelihood patterns.

Name of the Implementer:  Light of Life Trust Project Name: Mobile Medical Unit | Quality Healthcare for the Underprivileged

To make healthcare accessible to all people, especially the economically weaker section of the society, Light of Life Trust proposes a project for Mumbai Mobile Unit equipped with a team of qualified medical and paramedical personnel, medicines and other logistics. They aim to provide primary health care facilities and spread health awareness in the community as a practical mechanism to tackle health issues in these areas. The project will focus on women, children and the elderly, who cannot access basic health care facilities in and around villages/tribal hamlets in Taloda Tehsil, Nandurbar District, Maharashtra State.

Light of life trust is a non-governmental organization established in 2002 and registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 founded by Villy Doctor, with a vision to transform the lives of underprivileged rural communities. Through the Mumbai Mobile Unit project, they intend to reach the most marginalized sections of society and make healthcare accessible.

Name of the Implementer: Akshara Foundation for Arts and Learning Project Name: Grant for School Fees for 30 children for the year 2020-21

Akshara Foundation for Arts and Learning, a foundation based out of Mumbai, Maharashtra aims to support 30 underprivileged children enrolled in Akshara High School. Given the drastic impact of the pandemic, they intend to enable a thorough learning experience for the children by adapting to the needs of the hour. Building a community where children absorb knowledge, develop skills and express themselves freely without fear, thus empowering them, has been the foundation's goal.

Name of the Implementar: Zep Rehabilitation Centre 

Project Name: Donate to Support Education of Special Children | COVID-19 Relief

Zep Rehabilitation Centre is a non-profit rehabilitation centre in Pimpri-Chinchwad area  that works with special children running with Mental Retardation, Developmental Delays, Genetic Disorders, Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Due to COVID-19, the ecosystem of consistency in education has been ruptured. Through their project, they intend to bring the best of care and education to the children. Furthermore, the project focuses on the need to reinstate the development process and routine for the children.

Name of the Implementer: Meljol

Program Name: Aflatoun Program

MelJol, through their Aflatoun Program, seeks to produce a new generation of young people who have been readied for the economic mainstream, with financial skills so that help them understand the power of money, ensure employability skills, become socially and financially more empowered and understand the concepts of risk and reward. This program will work towards financial literacy amongst children, enhance self-esteem in

children, sensitize and empower parents and community members to acknowledge and respond to the physical, emotional and learning needs of children.

Name of the Implementer: Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS)

Project Name: Providing School-Going Children with Bicycles The provision of bicycles contributes extensively towards supporting the education of children. The commute to schools becomes accessible and issues of transportation are resolved. Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) aims to reduce the likelihood of youth unemployment in India. Hence, through this project, they aim to provide bicycles for support of children going to school. Furthermore, reducing dropout rates from schools. RRHEDS has experience in providing supportive assistance to children in terms of providing them with school-going material and paying for their after-school tuition fees. The main objective of this project is to provide bicycles to children between the age-group of 6-18 in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh.

Name of the Implementer: Miracle Feet Foundation Project Name: Medical supplies for 1000 children born with clubfoot

Clubfoot is a birth defect of the feet wherein one or both of the feet are turned inwards. It is the largest cause of disability in children in the developing world. In India, every year approximately 33,000 are born with clubfoot and less than 15% of them have access to quality treatment. When left untreated, clubfoot can be extremely painful and lead to stigma, loss of education and employment opportunities and lifelong poverty. Miracle Feet Foundation partners along with the government to implement the clubfoot program. They set up clinics at district hospitals for the program. Miraclefeet clinics are present in 8 states - Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. As part of Miraclefeet’s program offerings, they provide medical supplies to the patients. 

- Team truCSR

truCSR is a social engagement platform run by a group of professionals with a passion for social development with a cumulative experience of more than 100 years in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (#CSR), finance, taxation, corporate and allied laws, corporate governance and strategic management. The platform seamlessly connects Implementers and Contributors to amplify the #CSRimpact and accelerate the process of social change with digital solutions. This platform is owned and developed by a company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. 

If you are looking for projects from #nonprofit organizations in different thematic areas, write to info@trucsr.in - truCSR will coordinate end-to-end with the nonprofit community and share proposals with you as per the requirement.


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