Understanding Cancer and Healthcare in India on World Cancer Day 2021 | truCSR

Written by: Samreen Saify

Compiled and Edited by: Rebecca Shibu

In recent years, cancer has become one of the leading causes of death around the world. According to the National Cancer Institute, Cancer is a name given to a collection of related diseases, which can start almost anywhere in the human body and is made up of trillions of cells. These cells differ from normal cells in many ways that allow them to grow out of control and become invasive. The etiology of cancer is multifactorial, meaning- genetic predisposition, exposure to tobacco, certain chemicals, infections, radiation, inappropriate lifestyle factors, etc. have all been linked with the causation of cancer. 

Source: National Cancer Institute

Due to the pervasiveness and the severity of the disease, since 2000, World Cancer Day is celebrated on the 4th of February every year. It’s a global unifying initiative started by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC). The main motive behind the celebration of this day is to raise worldwide awareness, improving education, promoting greater equity, and catalyzing individual, collective and governmental action. Furthermore, it intends to reimagine a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equally available for all. 

Every year, scores of activities and events are organized around the world that serves as a forceful reminder that we, as a society, have a significant role to play in reducing the global impact of cancer. The theme for World Cancer Day 2021 is 'I Am and I Will', which is all about our commitment to act to truncate the premature deaths from cancer and non-communicable diseases by one-third by 2030.

Source: World Health Organization

According to a report titled Cancer Statistics, 2020: Report from National Cancer Registry Programme, India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) accounts for 71% of total deaths, globally. In India, NCDs accounted for 63% of all deaths out of which cancer is one of the leading causes of death (9%). Cancers of the lung, mouth, stomach, and esophagus are the most common cancers among men, whereas breast and cervix uteri cancer are highly pervasive among women.  Moreover, according to the National Cancer Registry Programme Report 2020, Cancer cases in India are likely to increase to 15.6 lakhs by 2025, a 12% increase from the currently estimated cases. All of these necessitates increasing the reach of multifarious health services being offered in the country. 

The monumental changes brought by the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the slowing down of various service delivery systems across the globe. To gauge the impact of the same on cancer care worldwide, a study was conducted, under which, a total of 356 centers from 54 countries across six continents participated. According to the findings, 88.2% of centers reported facing impediments in delivering care during the pandemic. The overwhelmed systems, lack of personal protective equipment, staff shortage, and restricted access to medications were some of the reasons unearthed by the study. 

It’s a well-known fact that the cure for cancer lies in early detection and treatment as it improves the chances of successful treatment outcomes. Therefore, increased awareness, education, reduced disparities in accessing cancer care services, etc. are some of the absolute measures to be taken to tackle this deadly disease. Better cooperation, collaboration, as well as infrastructure, are needed to overcome the barriers to early diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care. 

- Team truCSR

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