Menstrual Hygiene Day 28 May 2022

Author: Gopal Kumar Jain, Anjani Panchal, Smriti Lotlikar | Date: 08-June-2022. 


Menstruation is as normal as breathing. Yet around the world the issue continues to be neglected at all levels. Poor menstrual hygiene (MH) caused by a lack of education on the issue, persisting taboos and stigma, limited access to hygienic menstrual products and poor sanitation infrastructure undermines the educational opportunities, health and overall social status of women and girls around the world. As a result, millions of women and girls are kept from reaching their full potential.


Status of MH in India

Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day)

Organisations around the world come together on this day to create awareness and sensitise individuals on persisting taboos and stigma and lack of access to information about menstruation, period products and adequate infrastructure. 


More specifically, MH Day:

          breaks the silence, raises awareness and changes negative social norms around MHH, and

          engages decision-makers to increase the political priority and catalyse action for MHH, at global, national and local levels.


UDAAN - Give Her Wings To Fly


Yatan, an implementer registered with truCSR celebrated the menstrual hygiene day with women and girls in Caterpuri Village, Haryana. 


The event included a workshop for the village girls on the topics like basic hygiene, myths and taboos related to periods, types of sanitary products and ways to properly disposed the used products. About 50 girls attended the workshop. 


Post workshop, a pack of 2 reusable sanitary napkins were distributed to 100 girls and women from the village. 

Speaking about the MH Day event, Ms. Shalini Kapoor, Founder and President of Yatan says, We have been celebrating the Menstrual Hygiene Day (MHD) since 3 years now. Last year, though there was the pandemic but we still saw a lot of girls and women joining us on the day. As it is rightly said, Periods dont stop in the pandemic. We have been receiving overwhelming response and more and more girls are becoming aware about menstrual hygiene and the taboos and stigma related to menstruation.Thanks to MHD & truCSR.


The vision of MH Day is by 2030, create a world where no woman or girl is held back because she menstruates. This means a world in which every woman and girl is empowered to manage her menstruation safely, hygienically, with confidence and without shame:

– everyone can access and afford the menstrual product of their choice
period stigma is history
eveyone has basic information about menstruation (this also includes boys and men)
everyone can access period-friendly water, sanitation & hygiene facilities everywhere


Through scaling our collective action, we shall be able to end period poverty and stigma by 2030.


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